Tag: Hardcore Punk
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Demos From The Vault #8 Divā | Gimic | Path of Resurgence | Cosmovore | Wired Shut

Demos From The Vault #7 Sovereign | Prime Suspect | Gutter | Honey | Fasad

Struck Nerve – Rattle The Cage (Recommendation)

Militarie Gun – My Life Is Over (Recommendation)

High Command – Everlasting Torment (Recommendation)

Exposure – Atonement (Recommendation)

Demos From The Vault #5 Iron Column | Holy Flesh | Caustic | Poison Ruïn | Swamp

Demos From The Vault #4 Tirlim | Vertical Slum | Beculted | Saguzar | Squonk

Death Metal, Deathgrind, Hardcore, Metal