Author's Choices, Groove Metal, Grunge, Heavy Metal

Band Introduction – Copale

transcended music blog introduces copale
Country:Germany (Lübeck)

Copale are a fresh and relatively new band out Lübeck that plays self-proclaimed Grunge Metal. Formed in 2022, the band is quickly gaining attention with a timeless intepretation of hand-crafted alternative Metal, also reminiscing on 90’s grunge heroes such as Alice In Chains or the often forgotten Only Living Witness. The four-piece emphasize groove and heavy riffs that are juxtaposed by powerful clean vocals and even harsh bits as portrayed on their latest single “Silence Is The Answer.”

While no LP or EP releases have been issued yet, there are several singles on the band’s streaming portals such as the straight forward and hooky rocker “Fly Away” or the more subdued “Follow The Sun.” In any case, the band clearly knows how to craft the sound they are striving for and manage to offer honest head-bobbing grounded Metal straight out of Northern Germany. Fans of Alice In Chains, Godsmack or Life Of Agony should definitely keep an eye out for more things to come from these promising newcomers.

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