Hardcore, Metal

Nails – Every Bridge Burning (Review)

Release:Every Bridge Burning
Release Date:30th of August, 2024
Released viaNuclear Blast Records

Hardly any other band combines an aggressive and brutal sound as well as Nails. The band has been quiet for a long time, but after 8 years the fourth album Every Bridge Burning will finally be released on August 30th via Nuclear Blast. Todd Jones has rebuilt Nails with Carlos Cruz, Andrew Solis and Shelby Lermo and it sounds like the hardcore metal hybrid has never been gone. “Imposing Will” feels like a punch in the face. You press play and are knocked to the ground within the first few seconds. This wall of blast beats and punishing guitar riffs leaves you no room to breathe.

The iconic HM2 chainsaw sound, which is basically the trademark of the band makes every track just feel so raw. Joining the party is an old acquaintance, Kurt Ballou. Nails have recorded each of their previous work with him and Every Bridge Burning is no exception.

The mosh parts in particular are violent as hell thanks to the HM2 pedal. Songs like “Lacking The Ability To Process Empathy” literally invite you to break your neck or kick your best friend in the face. At the same time, Nails still manage to keep the bar of brutality high after all these years. The band’s latest output probably contains some of the heaviest material they have ever written. “Give Me The Painkiller” is probably the most surprising track on the record. Just imagine Nails having a child with Motörhead. That’s all you need to know. The mixture of D-beat and rock riffing creates an absolute banger.

In just under 18 minutes you get to feel all the rage and violence that has built up in Todd Jones over the last few years. Nails are an absolute enrichment, regardless of whether you are a hardcore or metal fan. This band simply never disappoints and you can count yourself lucky to finally get a new material.

Every Bridge Burning is probably one of the heaviest albums of 2024. Every song feels like a punch in the face, which is what makes this record so incredibly good.

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