Final Darkness – Final Darkness

Eversince the day I discovered this record (late 2014 I think) I just wish the man behind it was still alive to produce more badass music like this. Sadly, he passed away in 2012 only a few months after the release of this badboy. He could never really see how far he came with it… Rob Doherty was a real musician, a real artist! He played first in Metalist in the early 90’s, in Pericardium and later in Into Eternity. All these bands contributed from his amazing talent. It all resulted in Final Darkness where he played all instruments and did everything else as well. And you can really hear that while listening to the record. It’s a wild mix of oldschool and “basic” Heavy Metal, spiced up with blast beats and a good load of (Melodic) Death Metal influence. Always focusing on harmony and melody, with a really high level of technicality. Final Darkness definitely ended up as Rob’s masterpiece. Truly an exceptional release which I will cherish until the day I cannot listen to music anymore. RIP Rob Doherty, Dec 21st, 1970 – May 4th, 2012.
Be’lakor – The Frail Tide

The Frail Tide had a huge impact on me back in my late teens, shortly after its release. I remember being totally blown away how intense these guys can get but the next second they slow it down to get you really emotional… I know I couldn’t really handle or process it but I loved it! And I still do! The long intros and outros, their incredible songwriting skills, the progressive way of all their records and songs is simply a blessing in my opinion. Melodic, Progressive Death Metal perfection. Seeing them getting bigger and bigger since their early days is amazing. Whatever they do, you simply hear and feel the love and dedication. So yeah, Be’lakor isn’t THAT underground anymore but if you know the band but didn’t listen to their very first record, here is your reminder. Please enjoy!
Okera – A Beautiful Dystopia

I am not a fan of Doom metal and probably never will be. This record though, does something with me… Starting off with “The Black Rain”, these Aussie dudes really show you where the record is heading to. Straight forward (well… as far as this genre allows it) Doom Death / Death Doom, call it whatever you want, you know what I mean. Pretty oppressive and unhappy… The next song though, “I Hope” makes you hope (ha ha ha…) for a little more relaxed tunes and is def. more the Melodeath kind of song. That basically wraps the whole record up. Death Doom, with really good and melodic guitars and an amazing vocalist (those growls are crazy!) that is in my opinion overall really emotional. Highly recommended for fans or early Opeth, Be’lakor but also early Katatonia or Inborn Suffering.
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