
Spite – Dedication to Flesh (Recommendation)

Release:Dedication to Flesh
Release Date:19th of August, 2022
Released viaRise Records
Cover ArtworkRise Records

You know what was great about the 80s? Besides the music? Action movies. Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Lundgren, the list of actors starring in those beloved movies is long and very subjective. Those movies were just fun. There were no hidden metaphors or philosophical questions asked, just good versus evil, no gray areas but a lot of memorable one-liners.

Those movies and Deathcore have a lot in common. You mostly know where the journey is headed, you know everything will be alright in the end and you know what to expect: bloody and brutal action.

Dedication to Flesh comes three years after The Root of All Evil and is one hell of ride. Spite play Deathcore through and through. Everything a fan of Deathcore could wish for is found here: blasting, moshing and shout-along-ing. The title track will rest in your ears for days and each time you remember the final mosh-part you’ll instantly sway.

Caved In” and “Made To Please” were released prior to this album and this promised level of aggression is held easily. Spite do not compromise their vision of art, which is surely to make music for letting go of the boundaries of civilization.

One may say, that it could get monotonous but Spite always throw some kind of nice detail into the songs that makes them memorable. “Proper One” for example has this infectious “hey hey hey”-shouts while the crushing closer “Crumble” spells groove all over it.

Spite released a feast for any Deathcore fan with Dedication to Flesh. So if you ever feel the need for a bombastic musical equivalent of an awesome 80s action movie, look no further and take this record for spin

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